Why Is St Benedicts-Fairstore needed?
These are some examples of the daily requests we receive for help with storage .
"I was trying to call you to see if you could offer any help or advice to someone who was made homeless. When this happened, she put all of her belongings into storage with a private company (Access Storage). She thought that she would only be homeless for a few months but it has been almost a year. This lady moved from a 3 bedroom house.
She is now in temporary accommodation (hostel) and is on Universal Credit and Housing Benefit so she became unable to keep up with the payments at the storage company. She now owes them more than £2000 and they have locked her storage unit and will not give her access until she has paid them or starts to pay them. "
"Thank you for reaching out to us about this and for the incredible work you do to help those in need.
I’ve circulated to our peer support groups for single-parent families in the Camden area. I hope some may benefit from this scheme."
"Dear Madam, dear Sir,
I wish I could store my luggage by Fairstore.
I am on the street, sleeping at the. Victoria Coach Station and I am tired and the weight hurts me. I heard you can help me by storing my luggage.
Please, let me know if I have to pay if yes, I can tell already that I am unable to do it."
"Following our phone conversation today, I am writing to enquire about the storage of a bed, a mattress, and a dismantled wardrobe.
I am currently in temporary accommodation and will be moving to permanent accommodation in the meet few weeks. I was not given an exact date for the move. But, I am hoping it will be within the next month or so."
"Just been evicted a couple of days ago. Because the council claiming that I’ve made myself intentionally homeless by rejecting a property I have already stated that I can live in that area (fear of violence) "
"I was explaining to Ed that "Make space" is unaffordable for me and that the price of my current unit will double in a few weeks to the point where I'll be completely unable to afford to keep my belongings there, so thank you so much for helping me it's much appreciated."
"Apologies for the late response as I was off sick last week. The client still requires the service however we are waiting for a health and safety assessment of her hostel room so that we get a clearer picture of what she needs to put into storage. Initially, it was 10-15 boxes however following a visit from the hostel manager the client may require more items to be placed into storage."
"We have a family that is being evicted (single male, two children) and has until Thursday to remove their belongings. They only came to our attention today so apologies for the short notice. I do not know how much they have but I will ring them to complete the inventory form asap so that we can determine this. The mother in the family recently passed away unexpectedly so our Children’s Services department will be assisting this family with the cost of removals – this is also the reason for the short notice."